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Rabu, 16 Mei 2018

KRP210218-SAY-Ten Simple Ways to Improve Student’s Behavior

Ten Simple Ways to Improve Student’s Behavior
By: Santi Yuliasih 


What is Management of  Behavior? Is also about having effective ways to deal with poor behavior so that the child/student can learn from their own mistakes.

Parents and teachers often wonder how to discipline a child with behavior problems. Although, some children or students truly have challenging behaviors regardles of what strategies we try, many children just need to have the adults in their lives to make changes in the way they react, respond, or interact with them. 10 simples things you can do as a teacher to promote positive behavior  in school, what are they?  1. verbally acknowledge. 2. Positive body language. 3. Humor. 4. You are happy to see them. 5.Proud of themselves. 6. Take an interest. 7. Empathy. 8. Open minded.  9.Role model.  10.Your promises and rules.

Keywords : Positive behavior , 10 simple things, student(s), school

Resource : Edmond Rodrigues Lozano ,DepEds’s Educational Managements’ book (American)

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