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Minggu, 25 Februari 2018

How to Make Students Busy by Increasing Their Participations in Class - By: Krisanti - KRP 1 FEB 2017

How to Make Students Busy by Increasing Their Participations in Class
By: Krisanti

Have you ever found some students getting sleepy, bored, lazy, too silent, in conversation which is not meaningful or out of topic during lesson time? If yes, as a teacher we need to know how to manage the class and promote “classroom participations” method to involve students and lessen the apathetic ones. These are some problems that make students unparticipated well in class:
  1. The content is too hard
  2. There’s too much information to present in too short time
  3. The lesson is focused on the teacher, not the students
How to solve the problems? These are some solutions that can help us as a teacher to increase students participations:
  1. Allow anonymous questions
  2. Allow the to work together
  3. Try a jigsaw method
  4. Keep it “bite-sized”
  5. Keep them busy
  6. Look into the future
  7. Keep them busier than you are
  8. Use groups
  9. Give them a voice and a choice
With a little extra planning, maybe we can make some changes to create positive enviroment in class.


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