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Senin, 26 Februari 2018

How to Make Students Finish The Task in Time - By: LAI - KRP 8 MAR 2017

How to Make Students Finish The Task in Time
ByLaily Trio Andila

As a teacher, we have a lesson plan to plot some topics with proper time in one semester or one year. We have plotted the time for each lesson every week in that lesson plan. Because of that, the management of time is important during the lesson. Sometime, we give them problems/task for practice and somehow the students are too lazy to do it, so the time location for practice/ task is more than the plan. To solve that case, the teachers have so many tricks. The one of the trick can be used is we need to make rule and regulation in our lesson about the time management at the beginning of semester. Give them consequence if they broke this rule. And then the teacher need to be consistent. Give consequence to the students who doesn’t finish the task in time and let the others know about this one to make students understand about rule and consistently of us.


Applying Problem Based Learning in Secondary Students - By: BEN - KRP 8 MAR 2017

Applying Problem Based Learning in Secondary Students

By: Benny Prakasa Putera

Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a method of learning and teaching which allows students to focus on how and what they will learn. An unfamiliar problem, situation or task is presented to the students (by the lecturer or tutor) and students are required to determine for themselves how they will go about solving the problem. This usually occurs through small group work and allows students to utilize their prior knowledge in the topic area and identify the gaps in their knowledge as they attempt to solve the problem. The syntax of Problem Based Learning are: orient student to the problem; organize student for study; assist independent and group investigation; develop and present artifacts and exhibits; analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process. For secondary students, we could modify the situation. At the topic of Protists, we can get problems from news, then create situation to challenge students, e.g.: the simulation between government and parliament; between the ministry and consultant, etc. Hopefully, it might invite the atmosphere of profession they will face in the future.

Keywords: problem based learning, syntax, simulation


How to Apply Discipline During Class Session - By: ELL - KRP 8 MAR 2017

How to Apply Discipline During Class Session
By: Ellyana T. Gunawan

Do you want to know how to pull up student’s enthusiastic in the classroom during we teach? And do you want to have some strategic how to handle student’s focus during we teach? Let us share the techniques in giving the reinforcement and logical consequence during the process of learning.


Penggunaan Teknologi dalam Pembelajaran - Oleh: ASE - KRP 8 MAR 2017

Penggunaan Teknologi dalam Pembelajaran
OlehAsep Perdiansyah

Penggunaan Teknologi dalam Pembelajaran

Perkembangan teknologi di era globalisasi sangat pesat. Teknologi berkembang dengan sangat cepat dan telah mengubah bentuk kehidupan masyarakat-masyarakat bangsa di dunia. Pendidikan adalah pondasi utama sebuah bangsa. Maju dan berkembangnya pendidikan tidak terlepas dari peran seorang guru. Perkembangan zaman dan ilmu pengetahuan yang sangat pesat menuntut seorang pendidik harus selalu mengembangkan keilmuannya agar dapat mengantarkan peserta didik meraih sebuah kesuksesan dan berdaya saing global. Teknologi mempunyai sisi positif dan negatif oleh karena itu seorang guru harus bisa memberikan sisi positif dari teknologi yaitu dengan menggunakan teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran. Dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia teknologi dapat dimanfaatkan untuk presentasi kelompok, membuat video musikalisasi puisi, membuat film dan masih banyak lagi. Seorang guru juga harus bisa mengemas pembelajaran dengan kreatif. Dengan menumbuhkan minat belajar siswa dengan media teknologi yang menarik dan berseni diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas mutu pendidikan di Indonesia agar terciptanya generasi yang unggul.

Kata kunci : pendidikan, teknologi, media pembelajaran.

KRP 8 MAR 2017 / Tema: Manajemen Pembelajaran

Minggu, 25 Februari 2018

Discovery Learning - Oleh: FEC - KRP 1 Feb 2017

Discovery Learning

Oleh : Fenty Eka Cahyani

Menurut (Cucu dan Nanang, 2011: 77) Discovery merupakan suatu rangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran yang melibatkan secara maksimal seluruh kemampuan peserta didik untuk mencari dan menyelidiki secara sistematis, kritis, dan logis sehingga mereka dapat menemukan sendiri pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan sebagai wujud adanya perubahan perilaku.
Macam-macam model discovery :
1.       Discovery terpimpin, yaitu pelaksanaan discovery dilakukan atas petunjuk dari guru. Keduanya, dimulai dari pertanyaan inti, guru mengajukan berbagai pertanyaan yang melacak, dengan tujuan untuk mengarahkan peserta didik ke titik kesimpulan yang diharapkan. Selanjutnya, siswa melakukan percobaan untuk membuktikan pendapat yang dikemukakannya.
2.       Discovery bebas, yaitu peserta didik melakukan penyelidikan bebas sebagaimana seorang ilmuwan, antara lain masalah dirumuskan sendiri, penyelidikan dilakukan sendiri, dan kesimpulan diperoleh sendiri.
3.       Discovery bebas yang dimodifikasi, yaitu masalah diajukan guru didasarkan teori yang sudah dipahami peserta didik. Tujuannya untuk melakukan penyelidikan dalam rangka membuktikan kebenarannya.

Ada beberapa prosedur yang harus dilaksanakan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar secara umum sebagai berikut:
1.        Stimulation (Stimulasi/ pemberian rangsangan)
2.       Problem Statement (pernyataan/ identifikasi masalah)
3.       Data Collection (pengumpulan data)
4.       Data Processing (pengolahan data)
5.       Verification (pembuktian)
6.       Generalization (menarik kesimpulan/generalisasi)

Kelemahan model discovery learning:
1.       Model ini banyak menyita waktu. Juga tidak menjamin siswa tetap bersemangat mencari penemuan-penemuan
2.       Tidak tiap guru mempunyai selera atau kemampuan mengajar dengan penemuan. Kecuali tugas guru sekarang cukup berat
3.       Tidak semua anak mampu melakukan penemuan. Apabila bimbingan guru tidak sesuai dengan kesiapan intelektual siswa, ini dapat merusak struktur pengetahuannya. Juga bimbingan yang terlalu banyak dapat mematikan inisiatifnya
4.       Model ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk mengajarkan tiap topik

 KRP 1 FEB 2017 / Tema : Didaktika dan Metodologi

Perencanaan Penilaian Berdasarkan K13 - Oleh: HOT - KRP 1 FEB 2017

Perencanaan Penilaian Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013
Oleh: Hotman Eduard Panggabean

Pada kurikulum 2013, penilaian hasil belajar peserta didik mencakup kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang dilakukan secara berimbang sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menentukan potensi relatif peserta didik terhadap standar yang telah ditetapkan.
Sikap bermula dari perasaan (suka atau tidak suka) yang terkait dengan kecenderungan seseorang dalam merespon sesuatu/objek. Sikap juga merupakan ekspresi dari nilai-nilai atau pandangan hidup yang dimiliki seseorang dapat dibentuk, setiap terjadi perubahan perilaku atau tindakan yang diharapkan. Ada beberapa cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai sikap peserta didik, antara lain melalui observasi, penilaian diri, penilaian teman sebaya, dan penilaian jurnal.
Penilaian pengetahuan dapat berupa tes tulis, observasi pada diskusi, tanya jawab dan percakapan serta penyajian. Kompetensi keterampilan terdiri atas keterampilan abstrak dan keterampilan konkret. Penilaian kompetensi keterampilan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan : unjuk kerja/kinerja/praktek/proyek dan portofolio.
Pendekatan penilaian yang digunakan adalah penilaian acuan kriteria (PAK). PAK merupakan penilaian pencapaian kompetensi yang didasarkan pada kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM). KKM merupakan kriteria ketuntasan belajar minimal yang ditentukan oleh satuan pendidikan dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik Kompetensi Dasar yang akan dicapai, daya dukung, dan karakteristik peserta didik.


The Implementation of The Cooperative Learning Strategy Of Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Technique to Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension - By: RIZ - KRP 1 FEB 2017

The Implementation of The Cooperative Learning Strategy Of Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Technique to Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension

By: Rizal

Reading plays an important role for the success of language learning due to the reason that it belongs to a part of language skills. In reading activities, it does not only require people to read the text, but it also requires them to understand what they are reading. Regarding to the previously statement, Leipzig (2001) argues that reading requires word recognition, comprehension, and fluency. Added to this, Djiwandono (1996: 63) points out that to understand all types of information of a text or passage; it requires not only the reading activity, but also ability to understand or to comprehend the content. From the explanation above, it can be said that the ability or skill of comprehending a message or content in the text is the main goal of reading in a language instruction. However, comprehending a text message is not like a piece of cake, especially when the language learners try to understand the text written in their second language. It can be seen from the fact that students’ reading comprehension is still far from what is being expected. There are several teaching strategies that can actively engage students in reading activities. One of the strategies is called cooperative learning strategy. Among other cooperative learning strategies, think-pair-share is chosen to be applied in the classroom to improve students’ reading comprehension. Think-pair-share (TPS) is a strategy developed by Lyman et al. in 1985 to provide students with ―food for thought‖ on given topics, enabling them to formulate individual ideas and share these ideas with another student. Think-pair-share strategy is chosen based on its several advantages. As stated in Instructional Strategies Online (2004), this strategy provides an opportunity for all students to share their thinking with at least one other student; this, in turn, increases their sense of involvement in classroom learning. As a cooperative learning strategy, think-pair-share also benefits students in areas of peer acceptance, peer support, academic achievement, self-esteem, and increased interest in other students and school.

Key words: reading comprehension, cooperative learning, think-pair-share


Learning Media in Mathematics - By : CLA - KRP 1 FEB 2017

Learning Media in Mathematics
By: Clara Dwi Alfionita

Learning media is the tools which needed in learning process. There are so many learning media especially in math. Mathematics is We can make it by ourselves or take it from others or sharing with others. Example :

  1. Combine clothes in probability topics. 
  2. Determine the value of “phi” in circle 
  3. We can prepare thread, anything with the circle shape, and ruler. 
  4. We can determine the hope frequencies by draw the coin and dice. 
  5. Multiplication the antipodes


How to Make Students Busy by Increasing Their Participations in Class - By: Krisanti - KRP 1 FEB 2017

How to Make Students Busy by Increasing Their Participations in Class
By: Krisanti

Have you ever found some students getting sleepy, bored, lazy, too silent, in conversation which is not meaningful or out of topic during lesson time? If yes, as a teacher we need to know how to manage the class and promote “classroom participations” method to involve students and lessen the apathetic ones. These are some problems that make students unparticipated well in class:
  1. The content is too hard
  2. There’s too much information to present in too short time
  3. The lesson is focused on the teacher, not the students
How to solve the problems? These are some solutions that can help us as a teacher to increase students participations:
  1. Allow anonymous questions
  2. Allow the to work together
  3. Try a jigsaw method
  4. Keep it “bite-sized”
  5. Keep them busy
  6. Look into the future
  7. Keep them busier than you are
  8. Use groups
  9. Give them a voice and a choice
With a little extra planning, maybe we can make some changes to create positive enviroment in class.


Hi teachers, here are some preview of ideas about education. They have been presented in Kuliah Rabu Pahing SMA since 2017. Please take time to read and respond. Thank you....